
+34 661 025 459

Legal Notice

This legal notice governs the use of the website www.ateneasky.com (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”) owned by ATENEA SKY CLUB SL, with CIF B10549947, and registered office at Calle Marqués del Turia 23 1 – 2, Valencia 46004 (Valencia), email: hola@ateneasky.com, registered in the Valencia Mercantile Register, Volume 11162, Book 8440, Folio 151, Section 8, Sheet V-204135.


In general, the relationships between ATENEA SKY CLUB and the Users of its telematic services on this website are subject to Spanish legislation. Specifically, Organic Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the European Union General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, and Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights.

User Access and Use

The User is informed and accepts that access to this website does not imply, in any way, the beginning of a commercial relationship with ATENEA SKY CLUB or any of its distributors.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

The intellectual property rights of the website content, its graphic design, and codes are owned by ATENEA SKY CLUB. The reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation, or any other activity that may be carried out with the website’s content, even when citing the sources, is prohibited without the written consent of ATENEA SKY CLUB.

Unauthorised use of the information on this website, as well as any harm caused to the intellectual and industrial property rights of ATENEA SKY CLUB SL, may lead to the enforcement of liabilities and even legal actions.

Reservation of Rights

ATENEA SKY CLUB may, when deemed appropriate, make corrections, improvements, or modifications to the structure, web design, or any information contained on the page. It may also modify or delete products, access conditions, or even the use of the website unilaterally and without prior notice. This shall not entitle any claim or compensation, nor imply any liability.

ATENEA SKY CLUB reserves the right to interrupt, suspend, or terminate the provision of the website service or any of its integrated services.

Disclaimer of Warranties and Liability

ATENEA SKY CLUB does not guarantee and is not responsible for any damage that may arise from:

  • The lack of technical availability or continuity of the page’s operation.
  • The existence of viruses, malicious software, or harmful content.
  • The lack of usefulness, adequacy, or validity of the website, services, or content to meet the users’ needs, activities, or expectations.
  • The negligent or illegal use of the website, not complying with the rules defined in this legal notice, good faith, or public order.


This website focuses on promoting and selling the products offered therein. ATENEA SKY CLUB commits to respecting the accuracy of the data provided.

Regarding the existence of errors or inaccuracies on the Website, these will be corrected by ATENEA SKY CLUB as soon as they are brought to its attention.

Link Policy

The Website may include “links” or text/graphic links to other websites and content located outside of the website. These are owned by third parties.

www.ateneasky.com uses these “links” to provide additional information to the User. As these are entirely external to ATENEA SKY CLUB, the company is not responsible for these websites, their content, or the consequences for the User of accessing these links.

Furthermore, ATENEA SKY CLUB only authorises third parties to establish “links” from their websites, provided they comply with the obligations set forth in this Legal Notice.

Particularly, the “link” must enable the website to be displayed in its entirety within the browser’s window, without content being displayed through frames.

Nonetheless, ATENEA SKY CLUB reserves the right to demand the immediate removal of “links” to the Website when deemed appropriate.

The establishment of a “link” shall not imply, under any circumstances, the existence of a relationship between the third party including it and ATENEA SKY CLUB, nor the knowledge and acceptance by ATENEA SKY CLUB of the services and content offered on the linked website.

ATENEA SKY CLUB assumes no responsibility for the damages that may arise from access, maintenance, use, quality, legality, reliability, content, information, communications, opinions, products, etc., offered on websites not managed by ATENEA SKY CLUB.

Those wishing to establish hyperlinks between their web pages and this Website must observe and comply with the following conditions:

Prior authorisation will not be required if the hyperlink only allows access to the homepage and does not reproduce it in any way. Any other form of hyperlink will require the express and unequivocal written authorisation of ATENEA SKY CLUB.

Frames or “frames” shall not be created with the pages of ATENEA SKY CLUB.

No false, inaccurate, or offensive statements shall be made about ATENEA SKY CLUB, its managers, employees, collaborators, or persons connected to the Website, or its Users or Contents.

It shall not be implied or suggested that ATENEA SKY CLUB has authorised the hyperlink or supervised the content of the linked website.

The website on which the hyperlink is established may only contain what is strictly necessary to identify the hyperlink’s destination.

The website on which the hyperlink is established shall not contain any illicit information, content contrary to morality and public order, or content that infringes the rights of third parties.

Commercial and Promotional Communications

One of the purposes for which ATENEA SKY CLUB processes the personal data provided by Users is to send them communications via email, WhatsApp, or SMS regarding products, services, promotions, and offers, based on legitimate interest or their consent.

If the User wishes to stop receiving such communications from ATENEA SKY CLUB or revoke the given consent, they can send a request by email to hola@ateneasky.com with the subject “UNSUBSCRIBE”, attaching a valid identity document.

Social Media

La presente web utilizará, Redes sociales y comunidades virtuales que se utilizarán

This website will use social networks and virtual communities as a means of communication and promotion of ATENEA SKY CLUB’s products and services. The social networks and virtual communities that may be used include: Facebook, Instagram, and Spotify, without prejudice to the fact that others may be used in the future. The specific objectives through which these media are used are media support and the dissemination of ATENEA SKY CLUB’s services.

As for the information provided on social media, ATENEA SKY CLUB is not responsible, under any circumstances, for the accuracy, truthfulness, adequacy, suitability, or updating of the information provided through them.

The content established on social media is purely informative, and ATENEA SKY CLUB is not responsible for decisions made by the User based on this information, nor for damages caused to the User or third parties based on this information.

ATENEA SKY CLUB will try to ensure the quality of the information by correcting errors in data received and managing the sites, enabling third-party users to report complaints about offensive and inappropriate comments, unrelated photos, or videos. ATENEA SKY CLUB, as the administrator of the networks, will have the power to delete any information that does not meet the standards of quality, purpose, and good service of the social networks. However, despite its intention to provide the highest quality content, ATENEA SKY CLUB is not responsible for the information posted.

It is noted that access to social networks and communities used for the purposes mentioned requires a service/supply by other providers of information society services. ATENEA SKY CLUB cannot be held responsible for the reliability, quality, continuity, and operation of such providers, and therefore cannot prevent their suspension, cancellation, or inaccessibility for reasons beyond ATENEA SKY CLUB’s control.

ATENEA SKY CLUB will not be responsible for any damages suffered by the User due to failures or disconnections in social networks, which may lead to loss of information, suspensions, cancellations, or interruptions of the service during its provision or beforehand.

Social networks and communities may allow access to links and other web pages. Pursuant to Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, ATENEA SKY CLUB acts as an intermediary service provider and will only be responsible for content and services provided on linked sites to the extent that it has actual knowledge of their illegality and has not acted diligently to remove them. If the User considers that any of the Linked Sites contains unlawful or inappropriate content, they may inform ATENEA SKY CLUB via the email provided at the beginning of this legal notice, and the links will be promptly removed. ATENEA SKY CLUB is in no way responsible for the content and services offered on the Linked Sites and does not respond to any damages caused by their illegality, quality, outdated information, unavailability, error, or ineffectiveness.


Once a user has joined ATENEA SKY CLUB’s social network as a follower, they may post comments, links, images, photographs, or any other multimedia content supported by the social network. The user must be the rightful owner of such content, possess intellectual property rights, or have the consent of the affected third parties. It is expressly prohibited to publish any material on the page, whether text, graphics, photographs, videos, etc., that may violate morality, ethics, good taste, decency, or that infringe, violate, or break intellectual or industrial property rights, the right to image, or the law. In such cases, ATENEA SKY CLUB reserves the right to remove the content immediately and may request the user be permanently blocked.

ATENEA SKY CLUB will not be responsible for content freely posted by users.

Users should be aware that their posts will be visible to other users, so they are solely responsible for their privacy.

Images posted on the page will not be stored in any file by ATENEA SKY CLUB but will remain on the social network.

ATENEA SKY CLUB informs that reviews voluntarily posted on its Google Business profile are visible on the website www.ateneasky.com.


ATENEA SKY CLUB will use social networks to advertise its products and services. If it decides to process contact data for direct commercial prospecting, it will always do so in compliance with the legal requirements of the GDPR and LSSI-CE.

Recommending ATENEA SKY CLUB’s page to other users so that they can also enjoy promotions or stay informed about its activities will not be considered advertising.

Below are links to the privacy policies of the social networks used:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/privacy/explanation

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/legal/privacy-policy

Google+: https://www.google.com/intl/es_ALL/+/policy/


Applicable Legislation and Jurisdiction

These terms and conditions shall be governed by the statutory regulations and legislation of Spain.

The parties expressly waive any jurisdiction they may be entitled to and agree to submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Valencia for the resolution of any disputes that may arise in the interpretation or execution of these terms and conditions.